However, below we recommend the steps you must follow to sell your house quickly.
To reduce this period and sell your property quickly a good strategy is to go to an agent specialized in real estate through a real estate.
In case of doing so, you only have to sign a consignment document of the property and from then on the real estate agent will be in charge of getting the client, negotiating with him and advising you on the necessary procedures.
When selling a house or an apartment, real estate is the best option because you will not waste time showing your property or taking calls or visits from curious or people who do not have the necessary means or interest to close the business.
Keep in mind that if you hire the services of a real estate you must pay the respective fees that are derived from a percentage of the sale, which is agreed by the parties or established by the company.
If you make the decision to sell a house on your own you must follow certain steps that begin with the disclosure process , something like design and set up a small advertising campaign about your offer (remember that this will also generate some costs). There are many ways to do it, however, more and more people are looking to buy online; for this, we advise you to publish your property on the internet. But before publishing it, follow these steps:
Search online how much is the value of the square meter in your area; also compare the price with other properties that are already on sale. In most cases this fact is crucial to get potential buyers quickly or, on the contrary, scare them away.
The web is the most effective and economic means to sell real estate. There the owners can include – at very low prices – all the information of the house, including photos and virtual tours.
In addition, they have very advanced search engines and filters that allow finding the real estate according to the real needs and possibilities.
Therefore, when the interested parties call the owner of a property, they do it to close the business because they already know the necessary information of the property and even the sector. This saves time and money in answering unnecessary calls.
It is important that the portals that offer the service have a high number of users, so that your property reaches more people.
In Colombia, one of the portals is Metrocuadrado com Among the advantages offered by a website like this is that 24 hours a day and from anywhere in the world, real estate is available for free consultation.
Generally, a publication is available for one month and is worth less than a day of classifieds. The more information you include in the notices, the greater the chances of being contacted by potential clients.
It is about buying a poster and placing it in a visible place towards the outside of the property where your contact information is indicated. However, in many cases the regulations of the set prohibit this type of warnings.
Tell family, co-workers and acquaintances that you are selling your home and recommend that if you know someone who is interested in your property, let them know. Many times, the group’s caretakers and those who serve neighboring businesses turn out to be the most effective dissemination channels.
Just make a call and charge the cost to the bill of a public service or a debit or credit card get your property appear in a newspaper, radio or television.
This type of ads are usually very effective on weekends (especially in print), but at their cost advertisers usually include very few words and descriptions. As a result, hundreds of calls can be received from which no client is found.